London Sound Academy promises you fast and big DJ career. Graduates receive exclusive opportunities to play at top notch clubs in London and abroad. The price of 3 courses is approx. £750. Web site is actual for 2015, with responsive nice looking design.
SubBass Academy of Electronic Music claims over 10 years of experience in DJ training. DJ complete course is priced £1,350. After that you have a chance to move out from your bedroom to big clubs. Web site is OK, but not that good as LSA.
Become A DJ provides abilities needed to become a skillful DJ with the price of full course only £750. Definitely do not like that tone of yellow in the title font. over all web site is OK.
Those 3 web sites are found in adsense blocks when you search "school for DJ". What I see in the top 5 is really strange. Number 1 is web site with kiddo logo and design, OK may be it's a popular school for kids. Number 2 web site do not respond. Number 3 looks like it's 2005 outside. Number 4 no comment. Really. Number 5 is decent, because it's a dubspot.
How they moved those web sites to the top?